The Bachelor's Degree Thesis

As I told before having an outstanding bachelor's degree thesis was my interest during my study. Searching for a fantastic project, my classmate and I found a knitting company called I-KASHMIR, that had had a big air pollution problem in it's workshops. That was what I seek for and like to do!

Simply the problem was a huge amount of dust and wool fuzz spreading out from the machines working in the workshops and the danger of breathing such polluted air for the workers!

This short film somehow shows what we have done:

Please notice, both of us was just senior students and it was hard to ensure the company management that the system we had designed, would solve their major problem.

We not only designed each component of the the whole system, but were involved in preparation, construction and installation!

This is me up there!

schematic view of the system

And after 4 month of hard work, the result was completely satisfactory:

  • They get rid of the dusts (specially the workers who were in danger of various diseases)
  • The effect of dust on their product (Cashmere) was eliminated.
  • They pay one third of what other contractors had offered.
  • We did our bachelor thesis
  • and finaly we got the ISME first price:

The "Iranian Society of mechanical Engineers (ISME) "Aalinasab first prize in mechanical engineering for "The Best B.S. Thesis" among all universities-1999.

I should thank my dear classmate and co-worker "Hossein Monfared Asl".

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